Drive with Care, Walk Aware
November 9, 2017

We all have a responsibility to travel safely.
With darker winter days and more people walking in Redmond’s downtown, the Go Redmond program and Redmond Police Department are teaming up to educate drivers and walkers on safe behaviors.
The “Drive With Care, Walk Aware” Campaign focuses on how both drivers and people walking can behave safely on Redmond roads.
When walking, you should try to:
- Wear light and reflective clothing to make it easier for drivers to see you,
- Cross at crosswalks,
- Utilize sidewalks and walkways whenever available-even in parking lots,
- Make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street,
- Check each lane for oncoming or turning traffic before entering it.
When driving, you should:
- Drive without distractions,
- Look twice for people walking and biking before turning,
- Slow down when approaching intersections,
- Drive more slowly in dark and inclement weather.
Everyone is a pedestrian at some point during the day, even if it is just walking from the store to your car in the parking lot. Sharing the responsibility to look out for one another will go a long way in making Redmond a safe and enjoyable place to walk.
If you are an Employee Transportation Coordinator or Manager of a Multi-Family Housing Unit:
Request a kit to host a “Light Up Your Commute” event. Go Redmond will provide you with reflective gear to help make commuter’s bikes, jackets, and laptop bags more visible.