October is Wheel Options Month!

Log 6 trips in your Go Redmond calendar for a chance to earn even more prizes!
October is Wheel Options month, and we are encouraging you to love your commute! Wheel Options is a state-wide promotion designed to encourage commuters to choose any commute options that aren't driving alone.
Whether you get to work via transit, biking, walking, carpooling, Vanpool, compress your work week or telecomute 6 logged trips qualify you for a chance to win. That means, this month there are even more chances to earn great rewards in addition to your normally scheduled Go Redmond prizes.
How do you win? All you need to do is log your smart commutes into your Go Redmond calendar. As we mentioned, it only takes 6 non drive-alone trips to qualify for the grand prize of $1,500! Already have a Go Redmond account? Continue logging your trips as normal.
Wait…Did you Say Great Rewards???
YES! (In addition to your normally scheduled Go Redmond rewards). To qualify for a chance you must take and record at least six days of smart commutes. Rewards include a $1,500 or $500 digital reward link (via Tango digital reward catalogue – find out more by visiting https://www.tangocard.com/card/use) or one of more than a dozen $50 retail gift cards.
The top two winners may choose a reward they love, as the digital link allows winners to choose between more than eight-dozen top retail brands and non-profits—spending all the winnings on one brand, donating to charity or splitting it up amongst multiple options.
What Modes Qualify? Wheel Options commute modes include vanpool, carpool, bus, train, light rail, streetcar, foot ferry, bicycling, walking, rolling, skateboarding, working from home or compressing work weeks (e.g., four, 10-hour shifts in a week).
Create or Login To Your Go Redmond Account
How Go Redmond works:
Carpool: find matches with other people who live and work near you with our free ridematching tool
Bus: find your route and get a free 1 month ORCA bus pass
Vanpool: get in a van and earn a $50 per month vanpool fare subsidy for one-year
Telework and Compressed Work Week: Tips and tools to get you going