New Redmond Park Rules

Get Ready for Spring and Brush Up on Redmond Park Rules
If you didn’t catch it on our Facebook, the City of Redmond enacted new park rules on March 31. With the promise of sunnier days (and longer ones at that!) now is an ideal time to refresh yourself with the rules of Redmond parks.
Redmond is notorious as the biking capital of the Northwest and with good reason! With miles of beautiful trails and parks we are home to a wonderful place to ride and enjoy nature.
For the safety and enjoyment of all, the City of Redmond updated the park rules. The current set of Park Rules were last updated in 1994. To ensure community amenities are safe, clean and welcoming, an interdepartmental team collected public input and met with multiple community groups to better understand what park users want to see and experience.
Share the trails
Curious about trail etiquette? Here is a helpful article about the dos and don’t of riding your bike and how to share the trail on the Burke Gilman Trail.
In addition to many minor changes, the community overwhelmingly requested smoke-free parks and trails. Smoking of all types, including vaping, is not allowed in any city park or trail as of March 31. You can learn more about the rules here.
As we ramp up for Bike Everywhere Day and Month, Tour de Redmond, and weather that encourages us to get outdoors as much as possible, now is the perfect time to brush up on the park rules to insure that everyone can responsibly enjoy the parks and trails.
Interested in biking? Check out all our resources on our bike page.