The Bicycle Capital of the Northwest

There's not one thing that makes Redmond a great place for cycling, but many things put together that has earned Redmond the designation of "Bicycle Capital of the Northwest."
Everyone’s seen the sign gracing the entrance to Redmond, announcing us as The Bicycle Capital of the Northwest. But have you ever wondered WHY exactly we have that designation?
There’s not one thing that makes Redmond a great place for cycling, but many things put together that has earned Redmond the designation of “Bicycle Capital of the Northwest.”
Recognized by the American League of Bicycle Friendly Cities as a Silver City
The longest running bicycle race in North America is held in Redmond. The criterium bike race is held every summer at Derby Days
Redmond’s Bike Bash is our annual Bike-to-Work Day after party attended by thousands of cyclists
The Marymoor Velodrome has been training racing cyclists since 1975
33 miles of streets have bike lanes on both sides of the road.
Recognized as one of the “Best ‘Burbs for Biking” by Sunset Magazine
The Redmond Bike Park was built by a crew of dedicated volunteers in one of Redmond’s neighborhoods
Largest share of bicycle commuters among other Eastside cities
And the final reason is YOU! So many people in our Redmond community ride their bike to run errands, get to work, or just to get exercise on the weekend. Cycling in Redmond is something that is enjoyed by all ages and abilities and helps make Redmond a great place for two wheels.