New Year's Resolutions for 2016

Go Redmond is committed to driving less in 2016, how about you?
If your New Year's Resolution is to save money, help the environment, or reduce your stress just look to your commute to see how that can help you achieve your goals.
Not sure how to start? Go Redmond staff is available to help you find a bus route, carpool or vanpool partner with our Personalized Commute Plan.
Save Money:
If you live 20 miles away from work-about the distance from Seattle to Redmond-you're spending about $20/day ($0.50/mile) when you drive alone. To find out how much you're spending every day, check out the calculator on your Go Redmond account.
Carpooling & vanpooling can help you split the cost of gas (and save on tolls), taking the bus will also save you money (and you can try for 1 month free), and biking or walking is the most economical of the bunch!
Reduce Stress:
Driving alone can be a major cause of stress due to the unpredictability and a sense of loss of control while you sit through congestion. Commuters can experience boredom, social isolation, and anger and frustration from problems like traffic or delays.
By giving up the stress of driving by taking transit, making your commute more predictable by getting in the HOV lane, or incorporating exercise through an active commute, you can reduce your stress and increase your overall well being. Or skip the commute altogether by telecommuting!
Get More Exercise:
Even walking to the bus stop incorporates more activity into your daily routine and helps you meet half of recommended daily exercise. Share the ride in to work? Walk to lunch-even small changes add up to a big difference!
Be More Environmentally Friendly:
Every mile you don't drive is less gasoline being burned and put into the atmosphere are CO2. In 2015, Go Redmond users kept more than 289K gallongs of gasoline from being burned. Equivalent to the carbon sequestered by more than 2,000 acres of forest land!