Downtown Bus + Rail Planning: Give Your Feedback Online

If you weren't able to attend the open house, you can still provide your feedback online.
Redmond is preparing for the extension of light rail to Downtown by conducting a bus-rail transit integration study.
The City needs community input on bus + rail planning to inform Sound Transit's Downtown light rail station area design. Where should the station be located? Should it be at street level or elevated? Your feedback will help us as we work to optimize accessibility to the future light rail station and other areas around Downtown Redmond.
Complete the Downtown Bus + Rail Planning Questionnaire by February 5
The study will recommend a preliminary preferred station area concept for the Downtown Redmond light rail station. The preferred concept will maximize station access to increase mobility and grow transit ridership while minimizing the station footprint in order to limit the impacts on other land uses and activities in Downtown.
Please review the station area evaluation results in the linked slides before completing the questionnaire.